Do you love these colours or what!!! Just gorgeous!
First of all....I need a new cutter, paper slicer/trimmer what ever you call it I NEED A NEW ONE! I'm telling you I think I could have done a better job cutting my cardstock with my teeth!!!!!! I was ready to set that thing on fire!! The one I have is X-ACTO that I brought over here from Canada when I was maybe 23-24 years old..........I'm 34 now!!! Since then I have moved two more times and it's been thrown, stepped on....you name it and it is ready to retire!! And if that wasn't enough I ran out of glue!! Don't ask me what I used to finish glueing my card! ;)
Most of you know I make my own fimo buttons and I used one of my new buttons that is flower shaped.......how cute is that!! I also made some adorable heart shaped fimo buttons and I'm feeling another giveaway coming soon that will include flower and heart shaped buttons!

For this card I used Making Memories Paperie Rouge and Mocha (I just LOVE Making Memories!!). My new Spellbinders Shapeabilities Double Ended Tags came in the mail today so I used that and stamped 'thanks' on it (I used ColorBox chalk ink in Dark Brown). Believe it or not but the stamp that I used and the flower cut outs my sister-in-law found at the Dollar Store.......I don't know what brand it is, it just says Crafts on the package......but what a deal!!
Wow, Jane - this is beautiful! Your button is the perfect addition to the flower.
Really! It's amazing what you can find the the dollar stores. You find amazing crafting stuff that really surprises me!! Really pretty card!!
Love your big flower layers and your fun dsp choices. Way to rock this color challenge.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Hi Jane! I really loooove your Fimo buttons!! And this card is adorable!
love it!! :D
very cute!
Haha! Sounds like you have a stubborn cutter! I really like the guillatine (sp?) style cutters. I have one that was given to me as a gift years ago from an office store.
Very pretty! Nice job with the colors!
L-O-V-E these colors!!!
Good work!
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