Here we are at another one of my handmade fimo buttons giveaways! I made them in yummy traditional Halloween colours (purple, orange and green)....couldn't find any black fimo (don't think I'll have time to pop into town) so I'll throw in some of Martha Stewart's Spider Confetti.

I invite everyone to play along (including former winners)...only rule I have really is to leave one comment. Maybe you can tell me what Christmas colour combo you'd like to see for the next fimo buttons giveaway (pink and green, red, green and gold, blue and silver...)??? I'll announce my winners on Friday (that will give me enough time to polish off the buttons and pack them up). Also I owe a few ladies some of my buttons....and hope to have that ready by Friday as well.
Feel free to post about this giveaway (you can add the photo if you like) or just spread the news...the more the merrier!
Good luck!